Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP - 829 Foxon Road East Haven, CT 06513

Tutorial for East Haven Residents – How to Install a Car Seat -video-

Have you ever been in a car with an infant and the decision was made to carry the infant as opposed to putting the infant in a car seat? There are many reasons people across the country choose to carry infants, including the fact that car seats can be rather large and bulky, and the notion that infants are easier to feed and change when not strapped down in a car seat. Another reason East Haven area residents may choose to carry an infant while riding in an automobile is because they simply do not know how to properly install and use a car seat.

Here we present a video on the proper installation of a car seat:

It is almost never a good idea to travel with an infant on your lap. Sure, it may be more convenient to do so. But doing that which is right is not always convenient, and doing that which is convenient is not always safe. We encourage East Haven residents to always use car seats when traveling with infants, for the safety of those who are the most vulnerable among us.

If  you or someone you know were injured in an automobile accident, the attorneys at Hastings, Cohan, and Walsh, LLP can help you get the compensation you deserve. Contact us now at (888) 244-5480. We are here to help