Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP - 829 Foxon Road East Haven, CT 06513

How to Choose the Safest Vehicle for Teens and New Drivers

It has long been known that newer drivers are often the most susceptible to becoming involved in serious or deadly automobile accidents. Some of the reasons for this are that newer drivers have far less experience handling automobiles, responding to road conditions, and may find themselves presented with situations that they simply do not know how to handle. Because most new drivers are usually teenage drivers, their first cars usually are given to them by their parents. However, the practice of giving teenage drivers the old family car has given way to a more modern practice which sees the teen get a new car.

An increasing number of families are deciding to buy teenage drivers newer cars, while the parents continue to drive the older cars. The reason for this is that newer cars generally have better safety features and better handling than older cars. Such advantages could mean the difference between life and death for a teen driver should they find themselves confronted by unusual road conditions or involved in a serious automobile accident.

In the following video you will is see several tips which you may use to help decide which kind of automobile is best for your teen driver to drive.

If you have been injured in a serious vehicle accident involving a teen driver or new driver  in Connecticut, and would like to best possible attorney team to work on your case, please immediately call Hastings, Cohan, and Walsh, LLP –(888) 244-5480. We are here to help