Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP - 829 Foxon Road East Haven, CT 06513

A Good Driver Needs Many Skills

What is needed in a good driver? Well anticipation is one of the most important things, thinking what might happen around you, as well as concentration of course, focusing on your driving and nothing else.

Another thing which is very important is that you need to have skill to be a good driver and this comes over time and with a lot of practice. Some drivers never develop the skills needed to be a very good driver, you probably could name some.

You also need to have the right attitude. Your aim is to stay calm and tolerant in all situations and those who cannot do that will never become good drivers.

And finally you need the knowledge. You should know the Highway Code, and although you may have learned it to pass your driving test that could have been a long time ago so it is worth picking up a new copy to check you know it.

If you have been injured in a serious vehicle accident involving an automobile and a pedestrian, and would like to best possible attorney team to work on your case, please immediately call Hastings, Cohan, and Walsh, LLP –(888) 244-5480. We are here to help.