Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP - 829 Foxon Road East Haven, CT 06513

How to Keep your Kids Safe around Dogs

If your children are outside and see a strange dog, tell them never to approach it unless it is with its owner and then only if the owner says it is all right to approach and to pet.

If they see a dog alone they should never go near it however cute it looks.

Tell them that if a dog approaches them, not to run but to come inside the house or, if they are not near home, to try and go behind a car or a fence. If the dog still approaches them they should follow three simple rules. One never look the dog in the eye as that can make them mad, two always stay calm and  quiet and three fold their arms and turn sideways. The dog may still sniff them for quite a while, up to three minutes, but they should just keep still and calm.

If the dog seems aggressive and growls or looks like it might bite them, tell them to put something in between them and the dog like their backpack or lunch box or a sweater, and shout for help.

Remind your kids that with their own dog they should always be kind, careful and respectful and never disturb them when they are sleeping or eating as that is when dogs are most likely to bite.

