Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP - 829 Foxon Road East Haven, CT 06513

Modern Science Makes Accident Reconstruction More Reliable

Today’s professionals have an increasing number of technological means for determining exactly what happened in an accident. Using a wide variety of forensic techniques, these professionals are able to corroborate or debunk witness testimony. One of the most promising areas of investigation, which lends itself to the verification of the details of how an accident transpired, is biomechanics.

Biomechanical engineers study the way biologic solids and fluids react to various internal and external forces over time and with respect to specific spatial orientations. They are able to study what kinds of effects certain stresses on the human body produce, and then use this information to compare the facts of a case to witness testimony. For example, biomechanical mechanical engineers would be able to view a particular kind of bone fracture and compare it to the description of events given by witnesses, and better determine the truthfulness of the witness accounts.

When assisting a client with a lawsuit, professional and competent attorneys may make use of biomechanical engineers and other expert witnesses in order to help paint the picture of exactly what happened during a particular accident. In order to get the very best presentation of your case.

If you have been injured in a serious vehicle accident in East Haven or another part of Connecticut, and would like to best possible attorney team to work on your case, please immediately call Hastings, Cohan, and Walsh, LLP –(888) 244-5480. We are here to help