Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP - 829 Foxon Road East Haven, CT 06513

Why People Don’t Wear Seat Belts

There are many reasons why people say they do not wear seat belts.

One of the most common is that they do not need them as the car has airbags

The reality is that yes air bags do provide extra protection in a front on crash but if not wearing a seat belt the driver or front seat passenger can slide under them. In addition, air bags will not help in side or rear impact or rollover crashes.

Another reason given for not wearing seat belts is that people do not want to be trapped in a burning car or underwater. However, crashes involving fire or water happen in only half a percent of all crashes. And, when they do occur, the best chance of survival is if you are conscious and uninjured which may not be the case if you did not have your seatbelt on when the accident occurred.

Some think that it is safer to be thrown clear in a crash than to remain inside the vehicle but that is almost impossible as when you’re thrown out of the vehicle it may be  through the windshield, along the road, or even crushed by your own vehicle or another one. Your best place to be in a crash is inside the vehicle, securely held by your seat belt.

Please always remember to buckle up while in a moving automobile. If you have been injured in a serious vehicle accident involving an automobile and a pedestrian, and would like to best possible attorney team to work on your case, please immediately call Hastings, Cohan, and Walsh, LLP –(888) 244-5480. We are here to help.