Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP - 829 Foxon Road East Haven, CT 06513

The Risks of Motorcycle Riding

Riding a motorcycle, for many Americans, is as American as apple pie.  While some countries’ residents use motorcycles as a primary form of transportation, in the United States motorcycles are generally considered luxury, sport, or leisure vehicles.  But, despite the popularity of riding motorcycles among Americans, these vehicles tend to nevertheless present unique challenges and dangers to their riders.  Consider the following statistics:

  • From 2000 to 2007 the number of motorcycle deaths leapt from 2,897 to 5,154.  This represented an incredible 78% increase in just seven years.
  • Motorcycle deaths accounted for 13% of all traffic accident related deaths in 2007.  However, motorcycles accounted for just 3% of all registered vehicles in that year.
  • In 2007 78% of motorcycle collisions, in which the motorcycle collided with another vehicle, involved the motorcycle being struck from the front.  Only 5% of these collisions involved the motorcycle being struck from the rear.
  • One out of four fatal motorcycle crashes involved a motorcycle striking a fixed object such as a traffic sign or guard rail.
  • Wearing a motorcycle helmet has been proven to save at least one out of three lives in accidents which would have been fatal if a helmet had not been worn.
  • Between 2002 and 2007 the rate of motorcycle helmet use decreased by some 13%.

These statistics may be shocking, but motorcycle riders often have an idea as to the risks involved with this form of transportation.  We would like to recommend that all East Haven motorcycle riders always take to the roads with caution and always wear adequate head protection.


Hastings, Cohan, and Walsh, LLP – (888) 244-5480 – We are here to help