Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP - 829 Foxon Road East Haven, CT 06513

Teaching Children to Safely Cross the Street

As adults, we have almost an entire lifetime of crossing streets and getting to the other side without incident. As such, it is easy for grown-ups to forget that this skill was not inborn but rather was something that our parents or guardian had to teach us. Therefore it is important for parents to bear in mind that when it comes to their own kids, the same skill needs to be proactively imparted to them the same way it was by their own parents. Properly teaching children to cross the street is a simple process but it requires as much ‘doing’ as it does ‘telling’.

Regardless of what age you decide to teach your children how to properly and safely cross the street, you should always accompany them so that you can show them how it is done. Children under the age of ten years should always have their hand held by a parent or guardian when being taught.

There are four key steps to crossing the street that parents should impart to their kids.

Stop – Stop on the curb or grass rather than in the street.

Look – Look both ways and make sure there is nothing blocking your field of view.

Listen – Listen for vehicles that may not be immediately visible.

Think – Before crossing, ask yourself “is it safe to cross?”

These simple but critical steps can make for a lifetime of safe street crossing.