Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP - 829 Foxon Road East Haven, CT 06513

Teen Driving Facts

Earning a driver’s license is one of the most exciting events in the life of any teenager. It marks the onset of a level of freedom and mobility that can make teens feel like they are finally becoming adults. But with that comes a tremendous amount of responsibility to pedestrians, to other drivers on the road, and to the teen’s own passengers. The following are some facts about teens and driving in the United States.

  • More than 56 percent of teen drivers admit to talking on their cell phones while driving.
  • 16-year-old drivers have the highest rate of car crashes among all driving age groups in the US.
  • In 2010, car crashes accounted for 33 percent of deaths among individuals between 13- and 19-years old.
  • Teen drivers who have parents that are actively involved in their lives and in helping develop their driving habits are twice as likely to wear seat belts every time they get behind the wheel.
  • Fully 20 percent of teen drivers are involved in a car accident during their first year of having a license.
  • Well over one-third of all teen deaths caused by car crashes occur between 9pm and 6am.
  • The cognitive attention requirements of talking on a cell phone while driving reduces a teen driver’s reaction time to that of a 70-year-old.

If you have been injured in a serious car accident, and would like to best possible attorney team to work on your case, please immediately call Hastings, Cohan, and Walsh, LLP –(888) 244-5480. We are here to help.